News about PetroDollar
PetroDollarXPD #8257
19 Feb 2014, 03:16
Seed node active. Launch expected within hours.
Seed node active. Launch expected within hours.PetroDollarXPD #8257
18 Feb 2014, 20:36
PetroDollarXPD #8257
18 Feb 2014, 08:13
PetroDollar developer shares some background behind the design.
PetroDollar developer shares some background behind the design.PetroDollar developer shares some background behind the design.
PetroDollarXPD #8257
17 Feb 2014, 20:24
The Oil Industry doesn't need to support the PetroDollar. It supports itself as it is modeled after real world oil consumption.
The Oil Industry doesn't need to support the PetroDollar. It supports itself as it is modeled after real world oil consumption.The Oil Industry doesn't need to support the PetroDollar. It supports itself as it is modeled after real world oil consumption.
PetroDollarXPD #8257
17 Feb 2014, 14:24
The Petro Dollar: the first cryptocurrency created specifically for oil trading.
The Petro Dollar: the first cryptocurrency created specifically for oil trading.Shownews